The Weston High School Boosters Club is a non-profit organization that funds expenses not covered in the athletic budget.
Our Mission
To add financial support to boys' and girls' athletic teams, club sports, and intramural sports within Weston High School.
Our Objective
To achieve increased interest, loyalty, and participation by the entire Weston community in assisting our children in their academic and athletic pursuits to more fully develop character as well as healthy minds and bodies
Despite rising costs for equipment, supplies, and maintenance, the athletic department's budget has stayed largely flat (or even decreased) each year. They depend on WHS Boosters to support our teams. Additionally WHS Boosters has financial commitments to the Town of Weston: paying off the Booster Barn, Stadium Complex loan, and the Turf Replacement Fund.
100% of WHS Booster's funds come from Boosters memberships, donations, and annual fundraisers.
That is why we need all families to join WHS Boosters!
In {year}, approximately 30% of our athletes’ families became WHS Boosters members. To continue to support our student athletes, WHS Booster's financial goal is 100% membership by athletes’ families.
Join Boosters today and help us continue to fund our athletic programs and fields!
WHS Boosters is 100% volunteer! We need volunteers, donations, and you expertise.
If you have questions or would like to get involved, please Contact Us and the WHS Boosters Club President will get back to you ASAP.
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